Thursday, February 26, 2015

Quilted Anatomy: Heart

So I've had this idea in my mind for a while - I want to quilt anatomically correct organs. It combines my background as a medical illustrator with my love of quilting. I spent a loooong time making my own paper piecing pattern of a heart (from one of my illustrations) and trying to get it down just right. It took a lot of tries to make the pattern, and I ended up having to chop the pattern into about 20 different sections and piece those all together individually. I made about a million mistakes and the first one I made had terrible colors. This is the second one I made. I increased the size about 50% and chose some better colors than the first (not posted here. Never will be).
materials all ready to go!

I think it turned out pretty well, considering how many pieces it ended up being. I missed part of the top left pulmonary vein over there, but I can applique it back on. I'm thinking of embroidering on the cardiac vessels next...

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